Advanced Formulas,
Designed for Optimal Health.

The Power of Nature, Enhanced by Science.

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Reviews from our community —

"As a nutritionist, I’m extremely picky with the supplements I consume so it’s fantastic to see adaptogens curated so well."

— Carolina

"I'm genuinely impressed with the results I've experienced since incorporating Stamina into my daily routine."

— Jamie

"I started taking Mind and after about 6 weeks it was easier to remember codes and names that I usually forget. I also started getting better results on crossword puzzles and wordle.
Really happy about the results."

— Kerstin

"Customer service was incredibly helpful in finding the right product for me, happy with Remedy."

— Simon

"An increased sense of calm, better resistance to stress and improved sleep."

— Leyla

"I feel less tired, less stressed and like I have more energy. I’m super happy with the result of these vitamins. Also, I love how easy and minimalistic style you have."

— Lovisa

"My skin has gotten better and I feel less tired."

— Robin

"After using the supplement for several weeks, I noticed a significant improvement in my energy levels, positivity and general sense of wellbeing. I also noticed that my sleep rhythm had improved a lot!"

— John

"I feel more calm and focused!"

— Linton

"Feeling extra energetic and alert after using Remedy for almost 1 month. Love them! So awesome, it's great to feel that they really work."

— Milla

"More motivated and awake, I feel like I have more energy throughout the day. The vitamins have a nice look, making them easy to spot in my room and remember to take every day! Since I started taking them, I've felt an overall sense of positivity."

— Demi

"Remedy really helped me relax, feel more calm and sleep better. I love that the capsules have no taste, yet they smell amazing! I also love the simple design of the bottle and how easy it is to open, extra points for the recycled material."

— Virginia

"I love this product! Have been using it for a couple of months and will definitely continue. So happy with the results!"

— Molly

"Great vitamins that keep me healthy!"

— Mikael

"Really enjoyed the products and the packaging was a plus!"

— Josefina


    Ashwagandha, Magnesium, and B-Vitamins contribute to the normal functioning of energy metabolism, supporting your body's natural processes.

  • MOOD

    CDP-Choline, saffron, minerals, and natural extracts, contribute to cognitive wellbeing by supporting focus and nourishing the brain.


    Packed with nootropics, adaptogens, antioxidants and Vitamin D to support your overall wellbeing by providing essential nutrients to your body.


    Advanced-form nootropics, adaptogens, antioxidants and amino acids to support relaxation and a sense of balance, contributing to overall wellbeing.

  • Take Quiz

    Find the right product for you in less then 30 seconds.

  • Subscribe

    Once you subscribe, you will receive the inner refill unit for your vitamin routine right on time.

  • Compound

    Commit to your routine and feel the compounding effect of our ingredients when it replenishes and optimises the body.

Three hands holding Legacy Vitamins supplements, Stamina, Remedy and Mind

The Origin
of Legacy Vitamins

Understanding which supplements to choose can be overwhelming.

We’ve simplified the process. Our approach is clean, straightforward and backed by science. We sought out the most cutting-edge, natural and effective vitamin extracts, delivered in a form your body can use easily.

Find The Product For You
Vitamin capsules pouring out of Stamina supplement from Legacy Vitamins


We discovered that patented vitamins and minerals were proven through studies to out-perform “off-the-shelf” vitamins. Your body can absorb them better, and they’re more bioavailable to your cells so they can get to work faster.

As a result, patented vitamins came at a price. But we believe they are worth the investment.

Read the Science

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Supplements?

Why Legacy Vitamins?

What are patented Compounds and why do we use them?

What product suits me?

How does a Subscription work?

Can Legacy Vitamins be taken by both men and women?

Are Legacy Vitamins Safe?

How long will I need to take vitamins before I start seeing results?